Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast

Overcoming a Satan Smackdown

Jessi Morgan Season 1 Episode 9

Text if you need me? Prayer or just need encouragement…

Smackdown, Takedown. Things Satan loves to do. This week's episode is straight talk. Wanted to share a really tough time in my life and how I overcame the Satan Takedown! Working in fashion and retail was my passion and it was almost taken away from me by the fall angel himself, the Devil. But God protected me in ways I couldn't have imagined.

Key Passages & Verses:

Ephesians 6:11-12
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powersof this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

James 4:7
7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil,and he will flee from you.

1 Samuel 30:6
6 David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.

Things to avoid a Satan Takedown
1. Plan Better
2. Don't wrestle or argue with God
3. Document your prayers
4. Praise God in advance

Follow Jessi Morgan on social:
IG - @JessiMorganlife
IG dedicated to Home & Design - @JessiMorganHome

Podcast Music by: prazkhanal
Song: Whip

Enduring a terrible boss, leader etc is some of the toughest things you can experience at work. Its hard. Have you ever taken your issues at work to your personal life and you were spiraling out of control a bit? Tough right?

I’m right there with you. I wanted to switch it up a bit and share something personal from my previous career in retail. As I sit back and think about this story, Satan was really doing a number on me. He used everything I was passionate about against me. I had lost sight of my relationship with God as well as myself. I was lost emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

One of the most challenging times in my life was when I worked up in New York City at Macy’s on 34th street, the big store that you always see during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. What an experience it was working at that store at the time that made close to a billion dollars in sales back when retail was everything.

I managed a $50 million business on the main floor of the store and it was always chaos. I ran handbags & accessories, it did a massive business for the store. At the time back in 2014-2015 Michael Kors was the it bag and we had an entire stock team dedicated to the brand because of the demand. It was insane. I was also dating my future husband and my staff and I were getting along well. But it all changed when I got a new boss or aka new store manager. The previous one, who I adored and developed me so well had retired. I’m going to give Carol a shout out. One of the most brightest women I’ve ever known.

Now for the new boss who started, I will never say their name but it was hard. There was a lot of criticism that came my way I felt. And no matter what even if I was off, everything was my fault and I felt like I wasn’t good enough to be in my role because of them. Even though the year before I set a sales record for Michael Kors handbags and I was ranked in the top 3 of best merchandise managers in the building at the time out of like 33.

I felt useless, I felt disrespected and I worked longer hours because my boss would walk the floor 30 minutes before my shift was over and tell me everything that was wrong all the time. And it forced me to stay longer to correct it. I was stressed and exhausted always. My hair was falling out, I had terrible migraines too. It was just awful.

I think the moment that just did it for me was when I attempted to move back home because I was being offered a promotion back at my old Miami district in Macys. At the time there was a policy where you had to get your direct supervisor to sign off on allowing you to interview for a new role. Well my current store manager said I wasn’t ready, and told me I need to work through my people better and I can’t move back to Miami. I was heart broken. I was so depressed. I didn’t understand. According to my previous review which was by my previous boss, I was ready for promotion. But my current boss went into the system and changed it immediately after we spoke.

Honestly that position being blocked from me set me back 2 years in my career path with my company at the time. It just hurt. I spiraled, I even created issues within my family and relationship.

I was depressed. Felt useless. Everything coming out of my mouth was that I’m not good enough, my boss hates me, why am I here, I’m not a leader and on and on and on.

One night I was talking to my mom on the phone and she finally said to me that Satan is doing a number on me. He has come in and used my current boss to devour me, to wreck everything I worked so hard for. I realized I had to reset my mind.

The verse that came to mind was this….

Ephesians 6:11-12

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

This was all a scheme!!!

It hit me hard and I became angry with my boss and I decided right then and there to prove them wrong. I learned what they liked and didn’t like and used it to fuel how good I really was at my job.

I stopped arguing with them but I always came with reports to back up my claims and it would shut my store manager up. Every morning before getting off the train, I prayed that I would have a great visit and brought in as much positivity to my mind. I even wrote nice notes to myself, like “Jess you got this because God is right there.” And it worked. Now don’t get me wrong, I still wasn’t a fan of my boss but I managed the last year and made it work.

A year later I decided to move home again and this time it was better timing and I had a great opportunity to work back at the flagship location in Miami with a good salary and now being close to my family.

1 Samuel 30:6

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

I found strength in the Lord through planning better, taking the high road in arguments, and documenting conversations with them better in order to use the data if I was being challenged at a meeting etc. There were so many things I improved on because I put in the work and sought God for strength.

You see when Satan is wrecking havoc, his agenda is to destroy your faith and connection with God. Don’t give him that power or anyone else. Through faith you can ensure God is there for you and Satan can only flee. You win the spiritual battle against Satan when you do some of the things I did with my job in nyc.

You need to put God first and…

  1. Plan better - consistency with prayer and devotion to start your day. Make the time, it’s important.
  2. You are not a burden when you ask for help. Don’t wrestle or argue with God on how to handle something. Give it over to God, literally take the high road and let the Holy Spirit guide you vs what Satan would want which is to make you think “You” can handle it on your own.
  3. Documenting prayers and committing to God that He will take care of everything due to your belief in Him.
  4. Praise God in advance before the blessing even occurs - this screams optimism 

So, remember that Satan's purpose is to cause chaos, frustrate you, and pull you away from God. When you notice things spiraling out of control and becoming negative, pause and pray for God's guidance immediately. Rebuke Satan and let him flee from your presence, putting God at the forefront.

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