Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast

Falling into your Fear...Worse Case Scenario

Jessi Morgan Season 1 Episode 12

Text if you need me? Prayer or just need encouragement…

Have you ever been, or known, a person who constantly thinks about the "worst-case scenario"?

In the world's view, a "worst-case scenario" person appears prepared and ready to handle any situation. However, a person relying on Christ as their Savior should see this mindset as blocking their miracles or blessings.

Key Passages

Numbers 13 & 14

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Matthew 26:38-39
38 Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

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Podcast Music by: prazkhanal
Song: Whip

Falling into your fear...Worse Case Scenario

Key Passages

Numbers 13 & 14

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Matthew 26:38-39

Have you ever been, or known, a person who constantly thinks about the "worst-case scenario"?

In the world's view, a "worst-case scenario" person appears prepared and ready to handle any situation. However, a person relying on Christ as their Savior should see this mindset as blocking their miracles or blessings.

Here’s why: when you focus on the worst-case scenario, you immediately prepare for the worst to come. Thinking that way projects the possibility of that bad thing happening. You fall into insecurity, concerns, and fears. Why project that negativity onto yourself? You are a child of God.

I prefer to call it the "blessing-case scenario." I want to manifest the blessings that will come out of a possible situation or challenge rather than manifest the bad. I trust God to deliver and comfort me during my trials rather than worry about all the bad that can come from my trial or struggle.

I’m not saying you won’t be challenged or face hardship. But I’m saying, stop beating up your mind with negative scenarios before anything happens. Get on your knees and pray to God for direction, reason, and comfort even when you don’t fully understand what is happening.

When my daughter was in the hospital, one of her major issues was her eyes. Because of all the oxygen pumping into her being born at 23 weeks, it limited the blood flow to her eyes. After the first check-up, the eye doctor said she might need laser surgery if her vision didn’t improve. He added, "Worst case scenario, she may not have peripheral vision, which would prohibit her from driving, playing sports, and other things. So this is very concerning.”

When my husband and I spoke to the doctor, we were initially silent. The doctor's tone was so negative. That’s exactly what Satan and a fearful notion can do to your thought process. I almost started researching how to be a supportive parent to a child with vision problems. But before I did, I picked up my phone and texted my village of prayer about my daughter's eyes. That was exactly what I needed. I was scared for a bit, but God held me up from falling into that fear.

This reminds me of the story of the twelve spies from Israel who reported on the Promised Land of Canaan to their leader, Moses. Moses wanted a report on the land God was promising them and to see what the logistics would look like to take over the land from location, people etc. Ten of the twelve spies believed it was impossible for Israel to take over the land because of the fortified cities and strong people living there. This negative report spread throughout all the Israelites, leading them to discuss returning to Egypt and appointing a new leader?!

Moses had led God's people out of Egypt, where they had been enslaved, mistreated, and killed for years. And now they wanted to go back to that? It was as if they had sudden amnesia about all the miracles God had performed for them, from the plagues to the parting of the Red Sea to Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. How could they fall into fear, concern, and worry when God had provided so much for them over the years? When you succumb to fear, sin lurks, and consequences follow.

Only Joshua and Caleb out of all the spies had faith that God would deliver the Promised Land to Israel. Because of their faith, God allowed them to enter the Promised Land. The current generation, which was plotting to return to Egypt and not believing that Canaan could be delivered to the Israelites, died and, as punishment, wandered in the desert for 40 years. Only the future generation that grew up in the desert was able to enter the Promised Land.  (Can find this story in Number 13 & 14). 

When you think or plan for the worst, more consequences and bad decisions can occur due to your lack of faith and trust in fear. Yes, your trust in fear. Sounds weird, right? So why are you thinking about the worst-case scenario? Why are you falling into that fear?

Because you are not spending time daily with God to maintain that faith and relationship with Him. Because you are speaking into existence the worst-case scenario. Ever since I stopped focusing on the "worst-case scenario" myself, my mind has been clearer, and I don’t dwell on the possible challenges. I focus on the blessings that will come after the current trial. I focus on having confidence that the Lord will bring me through it. H

The Israelites fell into that fear and forgot about God and what He had done for them. What a shame. My husband and I could have done the same, but we didn’t waver. I remember responding to that eye doctor, saying, “Well, we are faith-based people, and we are praying and believing Sage’s vision will improve. We aren’t focusing on the negative.” The doctor was shocked by our response and tried to backtrack what he had said. He tried to reassure us that he was confident her eyes could improve too. 

I was concerned but didn’t let it consume me. Don’t let fear or concern consume you. Throw out that mindset of the worst-case scenario; I’m renaming it the "blessing-case scenario." Are you with me? Imagine if Jesus had fallen into his concern or stress right before he was arrested and crucified (Matthew 26:38-39). He may not have gone through it and died for our sins. Think about that. Jesus was obedient, stayed the course, and gave us salvation through His sacrifice. 

God loves you and supports you. The only way to consistently know this, is to spend time with Him, stay the course, and not fall into that fear. God is fine that we experience or feel fear, He doesn’t want us to embrace it or fall into it. 


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