Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast
Jessi Morgan in 2023 had a traumatic experience that shaped how she views life and her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has laid it on her heart to share her experiences and inspire others to put God first in every aspect of their life like she finally did in hers. Having her daughter born 4 months early really made Jessi lean on the Lord for comfort and guidance. And today she stands here starting her own 10-15 minute podcast focusing on weekly devotionals about what God can do for you and what He's done for her.
Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast
Taking the Lead, Taking your Blessings
Text if you need me? Prayer or just need encouragement…
Ever been handed a responsibility so significant that it made you question your readiness? This week's episode of the Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast takes you on a journey through personal stories and biblical narrative, exploring how God's preparation empowers us to step into new roles with courage and confidence. Drawing inspiration from the book of Joshua, we unravel the complexities of leadership through my own experience at Macy's, where a daunting promotion tested my faith and resilience. My mother's wisdom and the realization of God's unwavering support transformed my apprehension into determination, reminding me that, like Joshua, we are equipped for every challenge laid before us.
As we kick off this new series on Joshua, we weave together scripture and testimony to illuminate the lessons of leadership and courage. Joshua, much like many of us, stepped into enormous shoes, following the legendary Moses. Yet, his journey of faith and leadership began long before he took charge. Through these reflections, find encouragement in God's promises, and let these devotionals inspire you to embrace the potential God has instilled in you. Whether navigating a new challenge or seeking spiritual growth, this episode aims to uplift your spirit and reassure you of God's constant presence in your life.
Key Passages
Joshua 1
Numbers 14
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Podcast Music by: prazkhanal
Song: Whip
Hello. Hello, you're listening to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast, episode 37. This week's devotional is titled Taking the Lead, taking your Blessings. Let's go. Hi, I'm Jesse Morgan. I used to just share home decor and renovation tips on social media, but now I'm sharing something even closer to my heart my journey and love for Jesus Christ, my Savior. Welcome to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Hot Podcast.
Speaker 1:This is a weekly devotional. I started back in May 2024, but the inspiration for it came much earlier. It was rooted in a faith journey that began when my daughter was born, four months early in 2023. Through that challenging time, god worked in ways that truly amazed me. On this podcast, I share personal stories of faith, woven together with scripture to show just how incredible God's word can be in our everyday lives. My hope is that through these stories, you'll be encouraged, uplifted and reminded of God's love and presence, no matter what you're going through. So I invite you to spend less than 15 minutes with me each week as we reflect on these devotionals together. Let's all pray within.
Speaker 1:Taking the Lead Taking your Blessings, episode 37. Key Passages Joshua 1 and Numbers 14. Hello and welcome back. I'm so excited to dive into this episode.
Speaker 1:Today, we're kicking off a new series on the book of Joshua, focusing on leadership, courage and stepping into the roles God has prepared for us. So let me ask you something to start off, or a few questions to start off. Have you ever been promoted to a higher position or you've ever been handed a responsibility so big that you question if you were even ready for it? Have you ever had to take charge but you weren't sure where to start? I know the feeling. I've been there and probably many of you have as well.
Speaker 1:I remember back in 2017 when I got my first big promotion at Macy's as the assistant store manager of beauty at the Dayland Mall location. To give you some perspective, this was the number three beauty department in the entire company, generating around 23 million in annual sales at the time. A huge responsibility. But here's the twist my new boss, the store manager, had been in that very role before her promotion. She was the beauty expert, a force everyone respected and admired. I was stepping into a role where all the managers already had deep loyalty to her. All the managers already had deep loyalty to her. I couldn't compare to that and, honestly, I felt a bit overwhelmed. I didn't know much about. I thought to myself, maybe I'm not the right person for this, maybe I'd be better off managing another department. But here is the turning point.
Speaker 1:My mom, in her no-nonsense way, reminded me of something I needed to hear. She said, jess, this is a new day. You don't know the business now, fine, but you will. God answered your prayer for a promotion. You've been wanting this for years. He's not going to let you fail. He's not going to let you fail. Think about it. You survived New York Herald Square Macy's and ran a $52 million business there. That was the preparation for this moment. You got this. Enjoy the promotion, learn from it, grow Go. That was my wake-up call. I remember it's like I remembered who I was after that, what I already accomplished in my career and, most importantly, who God is, and that God had answered my prayers in the first place. Why would he leave me now? I prayed and I got myself together, got dressed, walked into my office ready to take on God, this role, ready to lead this group. So this experience is just a great intro into the book of Joshua.
Speaker 1:The book of Joshua is an incredible book and the leader, joshua, is an amazing man of faith. After Moses died, god chose Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land, chose Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land a role that must have felt overwhelming. I mean, moses was a legendary leader chosen by God to deliver his people from Egypt. Imagine trying to fill those shoes. But Joshua's journey didn't start in Joshua 1. His leadership was shaped years before in the wilderness, where he served faithfully under Moses and proved his faith and courage. One of the defining moments of Joshua's story is in Numbers 14, 6-9. During the spying of the promised land background really gives you a sense of who he is and why God made him the leader later on and to lead the people to the promised land. So here we go.
Speaker 1:When Moses first sent 12 spies to scout out the promised land, joshua and Caleb were among them. After exploring the land, 10 of the spies came back terrified, spreading fear among the Israelites. They described the land as full of giants and fortified cities, insisting that Israel couldn't possibly conquer this. But Joshua and Caleb saw things differently. They had faith in God's promise and urged the people not to be afraid. Here's what they said in Numbers 14, 6-9. Joshua and Caleb were among those who had explored the land, tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly the land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only, do not rebel against the Lord and do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them. This moment revealed Joshua's courage and unwavering trust in God. While the rest of the Israelites doubted and disobeyed, joshua and Caleb stood firm Because of their faith. They were the only two from their generation whom God allowed to enter the promised land.
Speaker 1:So fast forward to Joshua 1. Moses has passed away and now Joshua is tasked with leading this new generation of Israelites. They've grown up wandering the wilderness, inexperienced in battle and unsure of what lies ahead. So God speaks to Joshua in Joshua 1, 2-3. Listen to this. He says Moses, my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people get ready to cross the Jordan river into the land I'm about to give to them, to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
Speaker 1:Then God says something so powerful in Joshua 1, 5-6. He says no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore their ancestors to give them. Wow. So let's just sit back. Let's explore some of the key lessons that I feel like God was talking to me and speaking to me, and maybe you felt the same way after we went through this. So here's some of the lessons.
Speaker 1:Number one be bold and believe in your preparation. Number one be bold and believe in your preparation. Joshua and Caleb trusted God when others doubted. They stood up in faith against all of Israel who didn't believe that they could take the promised land. What courage they both showed in that moment. God was preparing Joshua to be bold as a future leader. God was preparing me as a manager too, way before my promotion. My stunt in New York really prepared me on how to manage people, and when I took beauty, I saw it with all the relationship building that I already knew how to do and I thrived in that building that I already knew how to do and I thrived in that. So be bold. Believe in the preparation. When you receive something from God, he is giving it to you because he knows you're prepared for it.
Speaker 1:Number two filling big shoes, don't be afraid. Joshua had to take over for Moses. Don't be afraid. Joshua had to take over for Moses, just like I had to take over for a top executive at Macy's. God reminded Joshua and my mom reminded me not to be afraid. God equips us for the roles he gives us right. Number three obstacles are opportunities for miracles.
Speaker 1:Crossing the Jordan River was no small feat for Joshua and Israel, and we're going to really talk about that on Joshua 3, but I just want to touch on it now a little bit. That was the first basic command that God wanted Joshua and his people to do was to get ready and cross the Jordan River in three days. The Jordan River is about half a mile wide. Based on the season, it can be shallow at three feet and other parts of the year can be as deep as 10 feet. It was very unpredictable body of water. Talk about a dangerous obstacle, but Joshua trusted God to make a way. Whatever Jordan River you're facing, know that God can part the waters for you. He's just waiting on you to take the lead and follow him. Don't be afraid to reach your blessings.
Speaker 1:Number four new leadership for a new generation. Joshua's leadership wasn't about replicating Moses. It was about leading in a way that fit the new generation of Israelites. Similarly, we're called to embrace our unique leadership style and bring fresh perspective to the roles God gives us. For me and my assistant store manager role, I discovered that the beauty department was all about people, yes, but also about operations and being operationally sound. I became very good at that due to my previous roles in New York, so I was able to bring that perspective to the table immediately and be effective. You see, I was kind of a new generation of leadership going into beauty and it really benefited the group that was there, just like Joshua's mindset benefited that young group of Israelites that were getting ready to enter the promised land.
Speaker 1:And number five God's plan and promises are perfect timing. Always Follow God's promise, follow God's plan, seek him and know he will be there with you always. Now listen to this promise that he said in Joshua 1.9. It says have I not commanded you Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God, will be with you wherever you go. You see, god's promises were true for Joshua and they were true for us, and they are true for us too. You see, with our walk with God, it's all about being courageous and confident in your faith with the Lord and realizing God put you here for a purpose, and it's our responsibility to find out what God wants for our lives. He has given us opportunities to be blessed. We just need to take it when God presents it to you. I'll repeat that again we just need to take it when God presents it to you. Whatever those blessings are, they are your very own promised land. You just have to take that step.
Speaker 1:God wants us to lead in our own way. Take the lead in our faith so we can boldly take our spiritual inheritance and share the gospel with others. At times, that also means being bold and outspoken. It doesn't mean to demean others' views to the point of judgment on them, but it means to boldly state your spiritual position and plant a seed for more people to turn to Jesus. And it also means take the blessings that you deserve when God has given it to you.
Speaker 1:As I look through Joshua. It's all about new beginnings. It's all about taking the lead, being courageous, having faith, handling unforeseen challenges by having God as your ultimate roadmap. So let's pray, heavenly Father, thank you for the example of Joshua and the lessons we learned from his courage and faith. Help us to trust you in every challenge and step boldly into the roles you've called us, to Remind us that you are always with us, guiding us and equipping us for the journey. We love you and we praise you in Jesus' name, amen. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited to dive deeper into the book of Joshua with you. I hope this series really blesses you as it blesses me, and just to let you know, I am literally studying this as I put out these podcasts weekly. I want it to be as organic as possible, so anything can inspire me as I read the book of Joshua and just understand that. I want you guys to remember, be strong, be courageous and remember, remember, remember. With God, all things are possible. See you next time. Well, that wraps up this week's episode. I hope these devotions help you draw closer to God each day. If this episode encouraged you, please share it with someone who might need the same message, and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a weekly episode. For more information or to reach out, check the show notes or visit jessimorganhomecom, or find me on Instagram at jessimorgan Morgan life. Remember God's timing is always perfect. Keep trusting him until next time. This is Jesse Morgan praying off.