Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast
Jessi Morgan in 2023 had a traumatic experience that shaped how she views life and her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has laid it on her heart to share her experiences and inspire others to put God first in every aspect of their life like she finally did in hers. Having her daughter born 4 months early really made Jessi lean on the Lord for comfort and guidance. And today she stands here starting her own 10-15 minute podcast focusing on weekly devotionals about what God can do for you and what He's done for her.
Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast
Setbacks, Strength, and Stepping Into God’s Promise: Joshua 5
Text if you need me? Prayer or just need encouragement…
Have you ever wondered how setbacks could be the very foundation for stepping into your life's promise? Join me, Jessi Morgan, as I share personal stories of faith and resilience, exploring the rich lessons from Joshua 5 in this episode of the Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast. Reflecting on the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River from Joshua 4, I draw parallels to my own life experiences, like my daughter's premature birth, highlighting God's unwavering power and faithfulness. As we delve into the unexpected commands given to the Israelites before entering the Promised Land, I recount my father's professional football journey, showing how obstacles can become strengths through faith and determination.
The journey doesn't stop there. Embrace the continuous growth and learning inspired by my study of the book of Joshua, a deeply enriching experience that has left a significant mark on my spiritual path. Each week, I engage with the text, sharing insights and devotionals that emphasize living in the moment and finding strength in scripture. With gratitude for the support that has fueled this journey, I extend love and blessings to all listeners, encouraging you to reflect and grow in faith along with me. Whether you're a seasoned reader of Joshua or just starting, this episode offers heartfelt reflections and encouragement for everyone.
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Podcast Music by: prazkhanal
Song: Whip
Hello, hello.
Speaker 1:You are listening to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast, episode 40. This week's devotional is titled Setbacks, strength and Stepping into God's Promise Joshua 5. Let's do this. Hi, I'm Jesse Morgan. I used to just share home decor and renovation tips on social media, but now I'm sharing something even closer to my heart my journey and love for Jesus Christ, my Savior. Welcome to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Hawk Podcast.
Speaker 1:This is a weekly devotional. I started back in May 2024, but the inspiration for it came much earlier. It was rooted in a faith journey that began when my daughter was born, four months early in 2023. Through that challenging time, god worked in ways that truly amazed me. On this podcast, I share personal stories of faith, woven together with scripture, to show just how incredible God's word can be in our everyday lives. My hope is that through these stories, you'll be encouraged, uplifted and reminded of God's love and presence, no matter what you're going through. So I invite you to spend less than 15 minutes with me each week as we reflect on these devotionals together.
Speaker 1:Let's all pray within Setbacks, strength and Stepping into God's Promise, episode 40, key Passages Joshua 4 and Joshua 5. Hello, hello, welcome back. I'm so excited to have you guys here today. So let's dive into another lesson and perspective from the book of Joshua. Today I want to focus on Joshua 5, but before we do, let's take a quick look at Joshua 4, which really is wrapping up what the lesson last week was about, which was about crossing the Jordan River and Joshua 3. Anyways, joshua 4 comes right after the incredible miracle, like I said, of crossing the Jordan River. God instructed Joshua to choose 12 men, one from each tribe, to go into the river and carry a stone, to create a memorial. This was to ensure that people would always remember the power of God and the miracle he performed in bringing them across. In the end, two memorials were built to acknowledge not just the crossing itself but the undeniable strength of our Heavenly Father.
Speaker 1:For me, I truly believe. I truly believe, and just that remembering God's miracles in our lives are important. Having something to remind us of his blessings, whether it's a physical object or even just a picture, helps us hold on to the faithfulness right For me. I look at pictures of my daughter when she was born at 1.6 pounds in the NICU Hooked up to, it felt like 10 different machines and I'm instantly reminded of how far she has come. That kind of miracle that only happens because of the Lord. The memorials in Joshua 4 weren't just stacks of stone. They were lasting reminders of Israel and how God had cleared a path for them to enter the promised land, amen. So now Joshua 5, the turning point. So I feel like Joshua 5 is really the heart of this week's lesson and I'm so excited to share. So after crossing the Jordan River, we see in Joshua 5, 1, it says now we all.
Speaker 1:Now, when all the Amorite kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan River before the Israelites until they had crossed over, their hearts melted in fear and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites, can you imagine? Every kingdom in the promised land was freaking out. They were terrified. The Israelites had so much momentum, right, god had provided for them, delivered them, and even you know and any believer would feel unstoppable after witnessing something like that right. But instead of immediately attacking the promised land or going into Jericho to take over, here's what God did next in Joshua 5, 2 through 3. At that time the Lord said to Joshua make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again. So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites Circumcised what?
Speaker 1:Right before you know? Taking over the promised land. Let's think about this being circumcised is painful, and afterward you need time to heal. Being circumcised is painful and afterwards you need time to heal. So why would God require this now, especially when Israel's enemies were just already trembling with fear? Wouldn't this weaken them? Wouldn't this delay? You know, when good things are happening, don't we want them to just keep going? And when something unexpected disrupts that momentum, it can feel like everything's unraveling at once. So have you ever felt like God put an obstacle in your way right when something amazing was about to happen, and you don't know why? Well, I have been there. I'm raising my hand, and that brings me to a story that came to mind when I was driving the other day, one about my parents. So a setback that led to a strength.
Speaker 1:My parents have been married for 41 years, a love story rooted in commitment and faithfulness, and one of my favorite stories from their early time being married is what happened right after they got married. They tied the knot in July 1983, just before my dad had to report back to training camp. For those who don't know, my dad played professional football for 10 seasons with the Miami Dolphins as a defensive back. He was a first round draft pick and when he was married and when he married my mom he was heading into his like around his fourth season. Because of the NFL schedule, they had to plan the wedding in just four months and my mom moved to Miami immediately afterwards. Then, during training camp, before the season even started, my dad tore his Achilles and was out for the entire year. My dad was on such a high before that he had felt good, he was feeling healthy, he was married and excited to have my mom by his side. Such momentum and then an injury, an unexpected setback. What a turn of events.
Speaker 1:My dad rehabbed like crazy, relearning how to pivot, run, balance and everything, and when he finally returned to practice it was major news in Miami. Reporters were questioning whether he could get his starting position back. Is he going to be faster? Is he going to be the old McNeil? And if the Dolphins would have to trade him or release him altogether, they really didn't have faith that he could come back from such an injury. Back when my dad got on the field, he did two drills, broke up two passes and then he ran a 40-yard dash and shattered his own personal record from before the injury by a full second. That's a big deal. He was back and stronger than before. He had no fear getting hurt like that ever again. He had no fear getting hurt like that ever again. That setback, that injury, could have ruined his career or psyche, but it ended up making him stronger than ever and if you ask him, he'll tell you that it was all because of God, who placed Junior Wade, an amazing trainer for the Dolphins, who got him back better than ever. My dad had no fear of an injury like that ever again.
Speaker 1:So now reading Joshua 5, I couldn't help but think about my dad's story, and here's why let's go back. So before the Israelites could enter the promised land, they had to undergo being circumcised. But this wasn't just about removing physical flesh. It was about spiritual preparation. It was about shedding old burdens, shame and the disobedience of the past generation.
Speaker 1:In Joshua 5, 4 through 9, we learn that, as we know, joshua circumcised the new generation of Israelites because those born in the wilderness had never been circumcised. Their ancestors had disobeyed God, which is why they were not allowed to enter the promised land. However, after this act of obedience, god told Joshua that he had removed, that he had removed the shame of their past, of their past, which was the betrayal of the previous generation that had left Egypt so years earlier. Just to kind of give you context and remind you, years earlier, when Moses was still alive, moses had sent 12 spies into the promised land. 10 of them returned with a fearful, faithless report, convinced that the land was filled with giants it was impossible to conquer. And, in their doubt, the Israelites even considered returning to Egypt and nearly rebelled against Moses. Mind you, all this happened after the parting of the Red Sea. I still don't understand how they didn't have faith, but anyways, because of their lack of faith, god decreed that they would wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that entire generation had died off. Only then would the next generation be allowed to enter the promised land. And remember, the only two people from the previous generation that God promised that could enter the promised land were the two spies that had the faithful report, which was Caleb and Joshua. So, after this renewed act of obedience, by being circumcised, the place was named Gilgal to mark this fresh start for God's people. So they had the strength and confidence, and no shame, to move forward. Yes, this moment in history of Israel was a setback in terms of timing, but after it Israel was free free from the shame of Egypt, you know, and what that generation had done, free from fear and ready to step into what God had promised them. So you know, setbacks are often setups.
Speaker 1:I feel my dad was on cloud nine. He had just married my mom, he was heading into a strong season with the dolphins and then suddenly everything came to a screeching halt. The rehab process was brutal for him, but it made him better. He became faster, more patient and played with a level of freedom he had never experienced before. And because of all this, my dad shed old habits of training and became stronger than ever, with new habits and discipline and returning that next season, getting his starting job back Amen.
Speaker 1:So, just like Israel, my dad had to go through a refining process before stepping into something greater, and the same is true for us. We need to remove the things that are holding us back Our shame, our fear, our injuries, our attachment to the world's negativity, our attachment to the world's expectations. Israel had to circumcise their flesh at that time. But because of Jesus, we now have an even greater opportunity to be made new. He died on the cross so that we could be free from our past, our hurt, our shame, our sin and anything that weighs us down or holds us back. What a blessing. Thank you, jesus. So let go of whatever is holding you back. Step into the new, stronger and more faithful version of yourself. Cut off that hurt, that shame, and rehab by practicing putting your faith in God, because, just like my dad, you might think you're facing a setback or an obstacle, but God is using it to make you even stronger, to help you gain that confidence and forget that guilt and that shame that comes with being in the world so so powerful.
Speaker 1:I just thank you, god, so much for this lesson today. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you for everything you've done for me and for everybody who's listening to this podcast. Father, please let this podcast bless somebody, inspire somebody, encourage someone, comfort someone. Lord. Please let this podcast bless somebody, inspire somebody, encourage someone, comfort someone. Lord, we thank you so much for the lesson in Joshua 5. And we thank you for making us understand that. You know Jesus came down to shed that guilt from us to get rid of that sin from us so we can be free and we can move forward with confidence, knowing that we are here serving you and doing what we are asked to do of you. Lord, father, I praise you and I love you and I thank you for everything you've done for me, for everyone on this podcast listening and just in life. Love you and we praise you in Jesus' name, amen. Well, that wraps up this week's episode. I hope these devotions help you draw closer to God each day. Praise you in Jesus name, amen. Well, that wraps up this week's episode. I hope these devotions help you draw closer to God each day. If this episode encouraged you, please share it with someone who might need the same message and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a weekly episode. Also, if you feel compelled, leaving a nice review would be so appreciated as well. For more information or to reach out, check the show notes or visit jessimorganhomecom or find me on Instagram at jessimorganlife. Remember God's timing is always perfect. Keep trusting him Until next time. This is Jessi Morgan praying off.
Speaker 1:It's funny. I always think about with my dad just how much of a competitor and how much of a hard worker he was, because I remember I got injured my freshman year at Alabama when I was running track and I literally strained both of my quad muscles. It was the weirdest thing ever and let me tell you, it took so long to to like get back, you know, and I really feel like I never really got full potential that I should have been. I never really felt like I got to the full potential dealing with that injury, like really getting better from the rehab. I think it was a mentality that I just didn't have at the time. I wasn't mature enough and I just I wish I had what my dad had, that drive, that dedication, not allowing anything around me to, you know, influence me or distract me from what I was trying to focus in on, which was to get better. So I just always, you know, I pray that you know Sage grows up my daughter and has that mindset like my dad, like my husband.
Speaker 1:My husband went through some injuries too and he was so determined to get better and to snap back and just having that mindset of an athlete like that is probably one of the best things you could do in your life and you can easily put that with your faith and walk in Jesus Christ and I just feel like this week you know we're talking about being circumcised, but it just God spoke to me where I would say, jess, share your dad's story, you know.
Speaker 1:So here I am doing it and thank you so much again for all the support and just excited to continue to grow with this and continuing to learn about Joshua. I think this has been one of the best studies I've ever done so far and I'm just excited to do it and learn from it and share with you guys as I go. I'm literally reading this every week and then reflecting on it and sharing a devotional. I'm not studying 10 weeks out, I'm trying to do this in the moment. So, love you guys, have a wonderful week. I'm not studying 10 weeks out. I'm trying to do this in the moment. So, love you guys, have a wonderful week, praying for you.