Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast
Jessi Morgan in 2023 had a traumatic experience that shaped how she views life and her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God has laid it on her heart to share her experiences and inspire others to put God first in every aspect of their life like she finally did in hers. Having her daughter born 4 months early really made Jessi lean on the Lord for comfort and guidance. And today she stands here starting her own 10-15 minute podcast focusing on weekly devotionals about what God can do for you and what He's done for her.
Trusting God's strategy can transform our lives in profound ways, as discussed in this week’s episode of Jessi Morgan’s podcast. We reflect on the significant biblical narrative in Joshua 8, where divine guidance led the Israelites from defeat to victory. Jessi draws parallels with her own experience managing retail during Black Friday, illustrating how well-planned strategies can be crucial to overcoming challenges.
Embrace these reflections, share them with others, and engage with our community. Join us in discovering what true faith in action can look like when we follow God’s strategies in our lives. Subscribe, share, and leave a review to help spread this message!
Hello, hello. You're listening to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast, episode 43. This week's devotional is titled God's Strategy and Black Friday Joshua 8. Let's do this. Hi, I'm Jesse Morgan. I used to just share home decor and renovation tips on social media, but now I'm sharing something even closer to my heart my journey and love for Jesus Christ, my Savior. Welcome to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Hawk Podcast.
Speaker 1:
This is a weekly devotional. I started back in May 2024, but the inspiration for it came much earlier. It was rooted in a faith journey that began when my daughter was born, four months early in 2023. Through that challenging time, god worked in ways that truly amazed me. On this podcast, I share personal stories of faith woven together with scripture to show just how incredible God's word can be in our everyday lives. My hope is that through these stories, you'll be encouraged, uplifted and reminded of God's love and presence, no matter what you're going through. So I invite you to spend less than 15 minutes with me each week as we reflect on these devotionals together. Let's all pray within God's Strategy and Black Friday Key passages and verses Joshua 8 and Proverbs 16.3.
Speaker 1:
I was seriously planning to merge Joshua 8 and 9 together this week and focus more on chapter 9. But as I was studying Joshua 8, god laid it on my heart to stay in this chapter alone. So here we are. Also, before I start, I just want to say thank you to all the support and welcome the new listeners. We have been doing a study on the book of Joshua and right now we're focusing it on Joshua 8, like we said before, but just really excited to have you here.
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So, like I said, picking up at the book of Joshua in chapter 7, as we looked at last week, ends with Israel stoning Achan and his family after he disobeyed God's command to dedicate all the plunder from Jericho to the Lord. Instead, achan secretly took some for himself and hid it. The result Israel was immediately defeated by the city of Ai because of Achan's deception. Now, yes, being stoned is harsh, but that was the standard back then. And there's something in this passage that stood out to me. Look at Joshua 7, 26 through Joshua 8, 1. Over Achan, they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day. Then the Lord turned from his fierce anger. Therefore, that place has been called the Valley of Acre ever since. Then the Lord said to Joshua do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Take the whole army with you and go up and attack I, for I have delivered into your hands the king of I, his people, his city and his land. After Achan's sin was dealt with, as we see, god comforted Joshua and told him I have already delivered I into your hands. All they had to do was follow God's plan, and that's really what Joshua 8 talks about. It's just this amazing strategic plan on how they captured Ai. And here's what stood out to me.
Speaker 1:
God's strategy for Ai was completely different than Jericho. So in Joshua 8, god gave Israel a new strategy to defeat Ai. Here's how it's set up. Number one set a trap. Joshua sent 30,000 men to hide behind the city at night. Number two fake a retreat. The main Israelite army approached Ai, then pretended to flee. Number three then pretended to flee. Number three draw Ai out. Ai's army chased after Israel, leaving their city unprotected. Step four ambush and conquer the hidden Israelite forces attacked and burned the city. And number five total victory. Ai's army was trapped between Israel's two forces and they were defeated. This strategy required obedience, patience and precise execution. No-transcript. What a plan, what a strategy. Israel had to trust God's strategy and him. Despite how they lost the battle the first time they were trying to take over Ai, it took an ambitious strategy to win in the end. For Joshua and his people, strategy by definition really means to achieve one or more long time goals over uncertain conditions.
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After really looking at Joshua 8, I have a story that really put everything in perspective for me. So here it is. Last June, I did a podcast episode called Satan Smackdown go back and check it out where I shared about dealing with a tough boss in New York while working at the flagship Macy's on 34th Street. Well, today we're going to go back to that time of my life, but this time from a business strategy perspective. I was a merchandise manager for handbags in the biggest Macy's store in the country, handling merchandise execution, business strategy and analysis while leading a team of nearly 100 people. At one point In 2013, before I took over handbags, michael Kors was the it brand. Everyone wanted a Safiano leather satchel or a Hamilton tote, especially in black or camel. Those bags flew off the shelves and, as you can see, I still have those bags imprinted in my brain.
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As many of you know, black Friday has always been the biggest shopping day in the United States. But back then, retailers, macy's included, started opening their doors on Thanksgiving night to maximize sales more so, after inhaling my Thanksgiving dinner, I'd be right back at the store on Thanksgiving night. So Thanksgiving 2013,. Macy's opened at 6 pm and the floor was absolute mayhem. Michael Kors was packed. There were six associates and one manager covering the section, which seemed like enough, maybe, until the doors opened and customers pounced. It was so chaotic that even our regional VP jumped on a register to help. The ratio of customer to sales associates was like 12-1. Insane. No one could have expected that level of response. Nobody was prepared for it.
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So fast forward to 2014, when I took over handbags, the district vice president and the district operations director pulled me and my operations manager aside. In August of that year, three and a half months before Black Friday, they told us we need a game plan for Michael Kors. They told us we need a game plan for Michael Kors. So, me and my ops manager, we strategized. Here's what we came up with.
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So step one customers placed their orders on the sales floor through our handheld devices, like they have in the shoe department, and the request would go straight to the stock room. Step two the stock team, located two floors down in the sub-basement, would pull the bags and sort them based on order time. Each bag was labeled with the customer's name as well. Step three stock associates would then bring the orders up just one floor where additional sales associates were stationed at registers to process transactions quickly. Step four meanwhile, as customers waited, they were redirected down an escalator to a designated Michael Kors shopping area with more merchandise. A brand rep would assist them while they were waiting for their order. And finally, step five when the bag arrived, the customer's name was called for checkout. Each purchase included a Black Friday promo booklet with additional deals.
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Yep, seems intense, right, it was a wild system. But let me tell you. That year, michael Kors pulled in $25 million in sales. For the year it became the number two business in Herald Square, right behind Ralph Lauren Polo. All this for a bag a bag.
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But here's the thing it wasn't just about selling handbags. It was about strategy. It was about anticipating an uncertainty in the customer demand and creating a system to meet it smoothly. That's what builds trust, keeps customers coming back and ultimately drives success. Sometimes it's hard for us to let go and trust the plan, but when God lays out a game plan, we need to follow it with precision, because he has already won the battle. Don't fall into the trap of what ifs or what if this doesn't go to plan. When it comes to God, your backup plans like plan B, c and D won't even compare to God's A plan right.
Speaker 1:
Executing that Black Friday strategy was stressful, but after months of preparation, we had to trust the process. I remember my store manager, who was new to her role, the tough one I talked about earlier. She was trying to redirect a support associate and sculling them on the floor for not running orders. My ops manager had to step in, thank the Lord, and explained that their job was to maintain the floor and not move stock. My store manager realized she was just out of her realm and for the rest of the night, stayed out of the way. Yes, thank the Lord she did. If we had focused on trying to please her instead of sticking to our plan, the entire strategy could have fallen apart.
Speaker 1:
So some lessons here are a lesson, the main lesson here don't let people used by the enemy distract you from your plan. That's exactly what Satan wants. Satan wants you to question your God-given strategy, your faithful choices, your decisions, he'll whisper in your ear. Are you sure this is the right direction? Didn't God do it differently before? Why change now? Sound familiar? Sometimes we expect God to move the same way he did before, but he may have a completely different plan for your next battle. The key is to seek him, trust him and follow his strategy. You pray and use the Bible, because he's already delivered the victory. Block out the noise. We blocked out my store manager's unnecessary noise, and Israel did the same After their initial defeat of Ai. The first time they were defeated by Ai, israel could have been in their feelings, questioning whether to fight the same enemy again, but instead, after Achan was, you know, taken care of. Basically, they followed God's strategy and won. They didn't second guess or anything. They did exactly what God directed them to do.
Speaker 1:
I don't know about you, but I like being on the winning team with God, so I hope my crazy Macy's story reminds you that strategy is key, not just in business but in our walk with Christ. Israel. Ambushing I was a testament to following through on God's plan. My team and I having the right plan was a testament of the success and the perseverance that we dealt with during holiday season and we followed through, despite any type of distractions, issues or anything. When we follow every detail of instruction, blessings follow. What an amazing truth to hold on to. And when we follow God's strategy, yes, you deserve to be blessed.
Speaker 1:
I would love to end this with a verse, and I find it perfect for this story and application Proverbs 16, 3,. It says commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Amen, let's pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the book of Joshua and for everyone who listened today and this week. I pray that someone was inspired, comforted and felt your guidance in their life. Lord, I'm so grateful for the platform you've given me and I pray that it continues to spread the good news of who you are. Thank you for the powerful lesson in Joshua 8, reminding us that when we trust in your plan and follow your strategy, even in the uncertainty, we will succeed. You led us to victory when we listen and obey. Thank you for the comfort you provide, for the wisdom found in your word and for the truth that guides us to salvation. We love you, we praise you and we give you all the glory In Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 1:
Well, that wraps up this week's episode. I hope these devotions help you draw closer to God each day. If this episode encouraged you, please share it with someone who might need the same message, and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a weekly episode. Also, if you feel compelled, leaving a nice review would be so appreciated as well. For more information or to reach out, check the show notes or visit jessimorganhomecom or find me on Instagram at jessimorganlife. Remember God's timing is always perfect. Keep trusting him Until next time. This is Jessi Morgan praying off.
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