Jessi Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast

Put Your Foot on Their Neck: Joshua 10 & 11

Jessi Morgan Season 1 Episode 45

Text if you need me? Prayer or just need encouragement…

Jessi Morgan delivers a bold, thought-provoking devotional that challenges our understanding of Christian meekness through the powerful imagery found in Joshua 10-11. Drawing from the biblical account where Joshua commands his military leaders to place their feet on the necks of conquered enemy kings, Jessi unveils a spiritual truth many believers struggle to embrace: sometimes faith requires us to take a stand.

The devotional begins with a vulnerable reflection on always being the one to "take the high road" – apologizing to keep peace even when we're not wrong. Morgan suggests this well-intentioned approach can enable harmful behavior and prevent necessary accountability. She skillfully weaves in her personal experience at Macy's New York, where she finally confronted a colleague who repeatedly undermined her leadership through manipulative tactics. This relatable workplace story provides a contemporary framework for understanding biblical boldness.

Whether you're struggling with toxic relationships, persistent sin, or spiritual attacks, this devotional offers biblical permission to stand firm, set boundaries, and claim the victory God has already given you. As Jessi Morgan concludes, "Put your foot on Satan's neck, put your foot on sin's neck, and put your sin on Jesus' back." Listen now and discover how godly assertiveness might be exactly what your faith journey needs.

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Podcast Music by: prazkhanal
Song: Whip

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello. You're listening to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Heart Podcast, episode 45. This week's devotional is titled Put your Foot on their Neck Joshua 10 and 11. Let's go. Hi. I'm Jesse Morgan. I used to just share home decor and renovation tips on social media, but now I'm sharing something even closer to my heart my journey and love for Jesus Christ, my Savior. Welcome to the Jesse Morgan Devotions for the Christian Hot Podcast.

Speaker 1:

This is a weekly devotional. I started back in May 2024, but the inspiration for it came much earlier. It was rooted in a faith journey that began when my daughter was born, four months early in 2023. Through that challenging time, god worked in ways that truly amazed me. On this podcast, I share personal stories of faith, woven together with scripture to show just how incredible God's word can be in our everyday lives. My hope is that through these stories, you'll be encouraged, uplifted and reminded of God's love and presence, no matter what you're going through. So I invite you to spend less than 15 minutes with me each week as we reflect on these devotionals together. Let's all pray within. Put your foot on their neck. Key passages Joshua 10 and 11,. Joshua 10, 8, joshua 10, 24 through 25, and Matthew 21, 12 to 13.

Speaker 1:

Episode 45. Hey friends, welcome back to the podcast. Today's episode is going to be a bold one, so get ready because we're diving into Joshua 10 and 11. And I have to warn you, as you've already heard, and 11. And I have to warn you, as you've already heard, the title of this episode is Put your Foot on their Neck. Yeah, I know it sounds aggressive, but, trust me, this hit me hard in scripture this week and I can't wait to share how it applies to our walk with Christ. So let's dive in Taking the high road, but at what cost?

Speaker 1:

Have you ever been that person who always takes the high road, like you're, the one who apologizes just to keep the peace, even when you know you're not in the wrong? I know I've done that so many times. I just let things get. I just let things go because I want to, you know, move forward, and for a while it seemed like the right thing to do. But here's what I started realizing as I got older when you're always the one taking responsibility, it allows others to avoid accountability. If I'm constantly apologizing when I didn't do anything wrong, what's stopping them from continuing to act the way they do and, honestly, I think there's a point where God calls us to just stop taking things and start standing firm in our faith, setting boundaries, speaking up and calling things out for what they are. And you know what Jesus did this. He was full of love, grace and compassion, but he also knew when to be bold. Think about the time he flipped the tables in Matthew 21 in the temple. He lost it because people were turning his father's house into a marketplace. Jesus wasn't afraid to confront sin, and sometimes we have to do the same. So here's a personal lesson about setting boundaries.

Speaker 1:

Let me take you back to when I worked at Macy's in New York City. I was running that $52 million handbag business with nearly 100 employees under me. During peak seasons it was intense. There was a manager I worked with. She was in charge of the overnight shift, while I managed the daytime operations as a merchandise manager. From day one there was tension between us. I had been promoted into that role and I could tell she wasn't happy about it. She wanted that job.

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Now I'm all about teamwork, but this woman she was sneaky. One night my team couldn't find a specific bag for an online order. I emailed her letting her know so she and her team could check overnight. The next morning she sent a reply, not just to me but also to our store manager. She found the bag and wanted to make sure everybody knew she found it, not us. I brushed it off, I took the high road, whatever. But then she did it again and again. One night my team stayed late to handle some extra work and she emailed me questioning my leadership and why I'm not checking in on my team and why are they working so late. But this time she blind copied BCC per se, blind copied my store manager. She wanted to make me look bad, but she didn't want me to know she was doing it. That was it. I was done.

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The next morning I responded with facts. I pointed out that my team had been scheduled to stay late. I explained why and then I called her out, politely but directly. I let her know that if she had questions about my leadership she could come to me first instead of running to our boss. And yes, I said that in email and our boss was cc'd. She didn't like that. She confronted me about my tone. So I brought in our operations manager as a neutral party and for the first time I laid it out. I told her that I felt she resented me for getting the role she wanted, but that didn't mean I didn't deserve to be here. I had worked hard. I had experience too. I was the number one ranked merchandise manager and the number two store for Macy's in Miami.

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When I arrived in NYC to work in the number one store for Macy's, I had many years in retail and I had an eye for presentation. I was recruited to the New York flagship store and I wasn't about to let her undermine me and who I was anymore. Well, she didn't have much to say after that. She did try to tell me that I'm being big headed about sharing my. You know who I am. But I had to set her straight again and share the seven times she mentioned in email how amazing she was at her job and how I had opportunities in mind in front of our store manager and key executives. Yes, she wrote all that in emails. I pulled up five different emails on the spot where she boasted about herself in a way to put me down. That shut her right up Now. Keep in mind I never attacked her skill set. I just shared with her her bad habits and actions she took against me. I'm not here to tear her down or anyone her down or anyone, just to be clear. And one month later she resigned. And let me tell you, after that conversation, something shifted in me. I stopped being afraid to stand my ground. I stopped worrying about whether I'm being too aggressive. I had spent so much time trying to take the high road and I forgot it's okay to fight for what's right.

Speaker 1:

Now on to Joshua 10, putting your foot on the enemy. Now let's talk about this chapter, because this is where it all comes together. At this point in the story, Israel was at war with five Amorite kings. These kings formed an alliance to attack Gibeon, a group that had made a treaty with Israel. Remember, I talked about that last week in the deception episode. So, anyways, the Gibeon group was being attacked by these five Amorite kings because they were angry because they made that treaty. So Joshua and his army stepped in to defend them. God had already told Joshua. In Joshua 10.8, it says the Lord said to Joshua do not be afraid of them. I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.

Speaker 1:

And sure enough, joshua and the Israelites completely wiped out their enemies, those five kings, all five of them ran and hid in a cave, cowards. They left their people to perish while they ran for the hills, as you call it. They're the ones that created this alliance, and then they go and run. Really, anyways, when Joshua's men found them, they brought them out and Joshua did something so symbolic. And let me just read these verses to you. It's just so powerful to me. So Joshua, 10, 24 to 25.

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When they had brought these kings to Joshua, he summoned all the men of Israel and said to the army commanders who had come with him Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings. So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks. Joshua said to them Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight. Wow, just wow, bold huh. Joshua told his commanders to put their feet on the necks of these kings. It was a physical act of victory, a way of showing that God had given them complete authority over their enemies. And then Joshua, you know, he killed them.

Speaker 1:

Now, it's brutal, I know, but here's the takeaway. Sometimes you have to put your foot down. Sometimes you have to confront the sin, the negativity, the people or situations that are trying to derail you. You have to make it clear you are not going to be messed with anymore. We always talk about rebuking the enemy. Right, I rebuke you, satan, in the name of Jesus. Well, sometimes you need to go further. Sometimes you need to say Satan, I'm putting my foot on your neck, you have no power here, get out. So, setting the boundaries in faith. As Christians, we are called to be loving, but that doesn't mean we let people walk all over us. It doesn't mean we tolerate sin. Jesus didn't, joshua didn't, and we shouldn't either. Remember those five kings in chapter 10 brought the fight first, as well as the kingdoms in chapter 11, which Israel conquered as well.

Speaker 1:

I know every single one of you listening has had someone in your life who has brought trouble to your door, has drained you spiritually, mentally or emotionally. Maybe it was a friend, maybe it was a coworker, a relationship, maybe it was someone who made you second guess yourself or tried to pull you away from your faith. Someone who made you second guess yourself or tried to pull you away from your faith or, like in my situation, someone that tried to make you feel like you were never good enough. It's time to put your foot down, set your boundaries, cut off toxic relationships, stand firm in who you are, because God has called you to be bold and sometimes being bold means having hard conversations, saying no, calling people out and refusing to let anyone shake your faith and who you are supposed to become in God's eyes. Put your foot on Satan's neck, put your foot on sin's neck and put your sin on Jesus' back. And put your sin on Jesus' back, he will take you places you possibly didn't see coming. Jesus is the perfect person to lay all your burdens on and allow him to deal with it. Pray about your struggles so that he can lead you to where you are supposed to be and how you are supposed to respond. And sometimes it may be bold, like putting that foot of yours down. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you for this day, thank you for this week and for the opportunity to gather this amazing podcast about Joshua.

Speaker 1:

As we focus on Joshua 10 and 11, we are reminded that enemy is always working to distract us, to pull us away from you, to lead us into sin and to make us question our identity in you. But just as Joshua commanded his commanders to place their feet on the necks of those five horrible kings, we too must take a stand against sin and the schemes of the enemy. We declare victory through you, lord. We do not tolerate negativity because we are your children. Father, we love you, we thank you and we praise you. I lift up everyone who is struggling, everyone facing hardships, and I pray they come to understand that prayer and putting you first is the answer.

Speaker 1:

Standing firm in our faith is key, and sometimes that requires boldness, just as Jesus was bold in the temple in Matthew 21. Lord, we need you, we love you and we give you all the praise in Jesus name, amen. So here's my challenge for you, or challenge to you Think about an area in your life where you need to set boundaries, where you have been taken the high road too much. Where do you need to stay? Where do you need to stand your ground? Because the reality is, god has already given you victory. You just have to step into it. So go ahead, put your foot on the enemy's neck. I love you all and I'll see you next time. God bless.

Speaker 1:

Well, that wraps up this week's episode. I hope these devotions help you draw closer to God each day. If this episode encouraged you, please share it with someone who might need the same message, and don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a weekly episode. Also, if you feel compelled, leaving a nice review would be so appreciated as well. For more information or to reach out, check the show notes or visit jessimorganhomecom or find me on Instagram at jessimorganlife. Remember God's timing is always perfect. Keep trusting him Until next time. This is Jessi Morgan praying off. Jessi Morgan Devotions behind the scenes. Scenes starting right now.

Speaker 1:

I know this week was a little bold, a little aggressive. Hopefully people weren't shocked or offended by how I spoke to my peer at the time, but sometimes I realized like there's people that just need to be put in their place and it's not because you're trying to make them feel terrible or feel bad. They need to feel bad about their own actions and sometimes them getting a reality check will make them think about their actions and then ask for that forgiveness and change. But that's on them to change, you know. So you know that situation in New York. It was a tough one for me because she was very messy and she wasn't just messy with me, she was messy with my peer that I worked with, that I really adored Nancy Nancy love you and it just wasn't right. And when she started coming at me I was like, oh no, we're not doing this. And after some time I was like I'm not going to allow her to ruin my reputation or to stop me from growing. And think about it like this that was a job situation.

Speaker 1:

Think about it in your spiritual walk or in your family, somebody who's just so toxic.

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They're trying to make you look so bad in front of other people, in front of your ministry, in front of your family, and you're trying to, you know, do things, you know for your church, or do things to support your family, or do things to represent God. And you have somebody over here who is just spreading rumors, trying to make you look bad, trying to embarrass you. And what are you going to do? Just oh, please, stop that. No, you have to put your foot down and call them out and make them realize that you had a person that they can mess with and that you are anointed in Jesus Christ and you're not going to allow the enemy to derail you. And that is so important. And I think, the older I've gotten. I have really cherished that idea and I'm not going to allow somebody to mess with me or my family or my faith. I'm not doing it, so I'm not doing it. You don't have to do it either. So love you guys Till next time.

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